App Secusmart Offers Encrypted Calls, SMS for BlackBerry Using a microSD

Secusmart Offers Encrypted Calls, SMS for BlackBerry Using a microSD 20120305_SecuSmart_CeBIT_610x397Ever wanted to have covert conversations? Secusmart is letting any ordinary BlackBerry the ability to conduct encrypted calls and SMS text messages. During CeBIT, Secusmart debuted a microSD card with a built-in processor that plugs into phones with a microSD slot.

To place a call, the technology uses VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol). This means it needs 3G or Wi-Fi connections, which can be used to provide real-time, full-duplex communications. Thereby, offering no delays and with both callers able to talk at the same time.

The connection that is setup between smartphones with the card that’s protected with 180-bit AES encryption. It also can link into an organization that builds the technology into its own phone network. Secusmart is exactly targeting average users just yet, and so a price-point for the microSD card has not yet been announced.

For more information on the Secusmart service, check out the press release here.

via CNet

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