Hair Today .. (The Ultimate New Year Present!)
Well, you can finish the saying. As promised to a number of balding readers from Seng's chatbox, here is the so-called "best formula" for stopping hair loss and generating hair regrowth. Its not a guarantee but I have a couple of friends who have seen very significant turnarounds within 3 months. At least the formula will save you RM10,000-15,000 a month, the probable sums from visiting Svensens and the like - they will be prescribing the same stuff but charging you an arm and a few legs for the same shit. Even for those who say they practice herbal remedies, its the same shit. The formula is supposed to work very well for those with normal hair loss - due to male pattern baldness (hormonal). If you have other factors such as severe scalp problems, this may not work well.
The easiest things to sell to men have to be hair growth products. Before venturing further, I have to qualify that I do not own any pharmacy chains, or dating any pharmacists, or own shares in Merck, or have an axe to grind with hair treatment centers. Due to the fact that a couple of my friends have turned back to ape like status from using the treatment below, I have done an intense search and study, and even talked to a couple of pharmacists.
PROSCAR is indicated for the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men with an enlarged prostate to improve symptoms; reduce the risk of acute urinary retention (AUR); and reduce the risk of the need for surgery, including transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and prostatectomy. Proscar is manufactured by Merck. Similar to the discovery of Viagra (which was an unexplained side-effect as well) ..., they found the side effects of using Proscar was unexplained hair growth. Proscar comes in 5mg tablets, but their own study showed that you only need 1mg to reverse the effects for hair regrowth. Merck cleverly created new 1mg Proscar tablets and called them Propecia. The only difference is buying Proscar, you only need to cut up the tablet into 4, as that would be a lot cheaper than buying Propecia.
Apparently, there is little side effects for taking Proscar for men even if the hair thing doesn't work as it will also act as defence for future prostate problems - killing two birds with one tablet. How it works: countering male pattern baldness ( androgenetic alopecia ). Finasteride acts in the body to significantly lower levels of dihydrotestosterone ( DHT ) by inhibiting the type 2 5 Alpha Reductase enzyme which is responsible for the conversion of testosterone into DHT. High amounts of DHT contribute to prostate enlargement as well as hair loss in individuals with a genetic pre-disposition to it.
Proscar side-effects study:
Propecia has been approved for treating hair loss back in 1997, and has met with varying degrees of success. Proscar and Propecia are not new. However, the key appears to be using it in combination with a few other things.
The latest small scale study using Minoxidil and Finastride:
Don't be a miser, use the 5% Minoxidil (Head Way, I believe) formula and not the 2% formula. Then supplement it with the necessary multivitamin & mineral supplement called Crowning Glory ( I know, its tacky) which contains the essential multi vitamins necessary for hair growth. Finally, supplement that with Saw Palmetto, best for absorption is the brand under Prime ProGuard. For better overall effect, use only Pregaine, clear gel shampoo. As a last ditch measure, rub your nails together for a few minutes every day - that's the yoga way, apparently.
Package Deal (btw RM450-500)
Proscar / Propecia (1mg/day is sufficient)
Minoxidil 5% ( twice daily on scalp)
Daily CG Multivitamin (Vitahealth)
Twice Daily Saw Palmetto capsules
Pregaine shampoo
If these do not show results after 3 months, then I think you should consider shaving bald or hair implants. Please consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the above, even though I have checked that it does not meddle with other medicine you might be taking. Women cannot be taking Proscar/Propecia, especially pregnant women - seriously. Please also note that some of the reputable herbal/special traditional cures are also using a combination of the above without proper labeling.
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