Please note that not all Jewish people support what Israel is doing. In fact, there are many Jewish American folks protesting against Israel. Please click to read:
The following speech Was delivered by Anti Zionist Orthodox Jews at the “Emergency Protest to Stop the Massacre in Gaza” rally, Rockefeller Center, New York City, December 27, 2008, 2.00 PM and again at a Protest in London on December 28, 2008
May our words be pleasing to the Creator and cause His Great Name to be sanctified.
Assalaam Aleikhum:
The world stands aghast as the atrocities being committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza, becomes known in ever greater and shocking detail.
Mere words are insufficient to express the pain that all mankind feels at the plight of the Gaza and Palestinian people.
For over one hundred years, they have been subject to a carefully conceived plan, to drive them from their homes and their land.
Throughout their history, the Zionists have resorted to intimidation, war, ethnic cleansing and state—sponsored terrorism to achieve their goals.
This is, has been and continues to be, the criminal agenda of the Zionist movement. But among this movement’s greatest crimes, is that it has claimed to carry out these nefarious actions in the name of holiness, in the name of the Almighty, in the name of Judaism and the Jewish people !!
This is a wicked and monstrous lie !!
It is a desecration of our religion !!
Judaism forbids and rejects Zionism and the existence of the State of “Israel”. We have been expressly commanded by the Almighty that we are forbidden to have our own sovereignty in this heavenly decreed exile, we are also forbidden to rebel against any nation. Torah believing Jews, under the leadership of the most esteemed rabbis of the 20th century have always opposed and fought against Zionism and ultimately the State of “Israel”. (to read more, click on link).
p/s photos with apologies to http://malaysianunplug.blogspot.com/
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