When some people go for vegetarian food, the whole shebang tries to taste like real meat??? If you really like the taste of meat, go and eat meat la! If you are truly vegetarian, then eat things that taste like veggies. Its like you have sworn off sexual intercourse for religious reasons, but still want to look at porn.
In Singapore, there is this stupid thing where you can "chope-seats" by placing a packet of tissue. "Chope" as in saving a seat. You go to any food court, the entire place is filled with tissue packs on seats, I mean how do they know which tissue pack belongs to them? How to argue that that Kleenex extra soft packet belongs to you??? You want to save a seat, get somebody to sit down and say the other seats are taken, but noooo ... all you see are empty tables but filled with tissue packs. Chope-my-ass.
Whats our local driving mindset? Are we Hannibal Lecters driving in disguise? We see somebody crossing the road, we speed up, why... why do you want to scare the shit out of the pedestrians, they could be your mum, your friends' relatives you know ... All cars come with indicator lights, is it soooo fucking hard to push left-right indicator when you are turning??? You help others to navigate better, so they may slow down, or turn without having to wait for your car to pass them. What kind of "heart" you have when you do these little things. We cannot blame it on cultural reasons as an excuse, it speaks volumes about your small mindedness and flawed character - the "cannot lose, tidak apa, fuck them, fuck you, no need la, their problem ... attitude".

I absolutely abhor people who treat their maids/helpers badly. Why aren't we glad or feel fortunate that we are not in their shoes. I have seen a whole family sitting down for dinner and the maids have to be left standing ... wtf??? I am not even talking about mistreatment by way of hurting them physically. ..... Then there are those who have their maids at the same dinner table, but they only get to eat crap and not what the rest are having, why you so like dat? In case you forgot, everyone is a fellow human being with the same unalienable rights to their integrity. Your pathetic acts does not demean them so much as they reflect what an utter load of crap of character you have - I pity your children. They will learn that they can treat some other people with disdain rather than with respect and a generosity of spirit. ...... Be thankful that you have someone helping you in your household chores, they are family, they have to abandon their friends, families, husband, wife and children ... so that you can have a fucking easier life. We have no right to make their hard lives any harder.
Every year at around the same time, it floods in certain places, yes this year is a bit worse in some areas ... but if it happens every fucking year at around the same time, why aren't we better prepared, why are we still running around like a chicken without its head searching for simple resources to alleviate the situation?
We Malaysians are not among the best paid in Asian societies, and yet we probably have the highest ownership of cars per capita. Needless to say, Malaysia is the first or second most expensive place on earth to buy cars as well, Malaysia Boleh! ......... What that means is we shove a huge chunk of our not so high pay to "subsidise" you know what. That means we take out a huge portion of our disposable income for "dead activities", you might as well lump it as tax because its the same. At least taxes pays for certain services, I don't know what the "extra sum" we pay for cars go to??? ...... We should not say how low our fucking fuel prices are compared to the rest, we have to add how much more we are paying for the same cars, average that over the life of a car, and you add that to our fuel bill, and you will find we ARE PROBABLY WORSE OFF. And we are asked to suffer together by removal of subsidies in certain goods .... I don't mind, but get rid of the fucking excise/import duties, protectionist measures of a failed industry thats not worth protecting in the first place. ... I think its Ok to protect some strategic industries when we are nurturing them, 5 or 10 years seem fine, but its 25 years and obviously we cannot compete / do not have the scale / technological prowess / execution or marketing sense / the right people for the job ... stop this billions of ringgit wastage every year ... we all don't want to puke any more everytime we go overseas and see the same local cars selling for 40%-50% cheaper than the home-made product at HOME.
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