So, if you or if you allow your kids to write a blog, here is what they will have to contend with:
a) many people will hate your blog and you for various reasons or for no apparent reason, some or most of them being infantile and unjustified
b) most blogs have a life span of 6 months, most are just too tired to update regularly, or have nothing to say, or a dire lack of visitors, why bother ... so we need to ask ourselves, why blog???
c) by putting something out there in the open, its like submitting a paper to 1,000 teachers and fellow students and allowing them to mark you ... some provide good criticisms and feedback, but what do you do when they just like to blast you for nothing esp when they can't even string a coherent idea properly justified together
In my case, these are the usual fucked up bombs coming my way:
1) yeah, he will buy first, then write about it and sell - so, do you want me NOT to buy at all, which is better or worse, buy then write, don't buy but write anyway ... when you don't buy and write anyway, where is your conviction ... whether I sell or not is none of your business, thank you very much
2) yeah, he works with syndicates - Please la, how many syndicates are there, and see how many stocks I write about, how to have so many syndicates all working with me, if it is the case then I am the most powderful man in town la
3) his picks underperform - then don't fucking listen to me la, why when you lose money you still want to follow, bullshit right ... fool you once shame on me, fool you twice ... shame on you .. fool you ten times, I think you should kill yourself if you still follow
4) his female pics are rude to girls - ????? why is it rude, why, are the girls looking rude to you? ... these are photos they willingly take, so that ... they can forever stash away??? They are never pornographic, always tasteful, and I always make sure they have names because they are fellow human beings, and not objectifying them. I post only Asian girls because:
a) I like looking pretty girls, b) I want to promote the notion of Asian female physical beauty cos I think we are already swarmed by Western images of physical beauty (Albas, Johanssens, Jolies, etc..) - think about self esteem and role model issues ... how is that disrespectful???
5) the female pics have no place in a financial blog - eerr.... says who??? show me the text book please ... if you have a blog about science matters, and you put animal pics all over, thats your prerogative .. don't like, just go somewhere else, why stress yourself out??? Don't like the language, go somewhere else la .... Its just like people who oppose gay marriage, ... then don't marry a gay person la, why stress yourself out .... anti smoking, then don't smoke la ... or go to places where people don't/cannot smoke. If you are still adamant that you should be free to smoke free places anywhere, what about the rights of smokers.

So, sometimes I just want to throw it all away and not write anymore. Its not worth it, why do it? Sharing also kena. Don't even have to pay money one, also kena. Its like free tickets to a movie, but still want to bash the person who gave the tickets .. don't like movie, walk la.
But I will continue because I know there are more readers who like this stupid blog, and you cannot eliminate the assholes (not because they disagree or criticise but because the unjustifiable and unsupported way of doing it), we all have to deal with the assholes in our lives ... and I am sure, we ourselves are the assholes in some other people's lives as well. Same hole different cover -... very deep la...
p/s featuring Aung San Suu Kyi is not bowing to the complaints, btw she has been featured more than once before ... so, featuring a lady who has "achieved significant things" is not disrespectful? ... or please draw me the line. Or should I also feature "not pretty women" so that it balances things out??? Or that I am helping readers propagate the importance of physical beauty over other more important qualities such as human spirit and character (these are important qualities for any person to have, not just women, but there are other platforms and ways and means to propagate such ideals and desires ... my blog cannot do everything la) ... THEN PLEASE GO BURN ALL BEAUTY, FEMALE, MALE, FASHION, LIFESTYLE magazines or write to them, don't just write to me. Don't shoot me, I'm just a flawed blogger.
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