Considering the fact that a large part of our population is not supposed to be drinking, Malaysians should wonder no longer of our place globally when it comes to alcohol. It was widely known that outside of Ireland, Malaysians were the largest consumer per capita of Guinness. Needlessly, we now know why some of the bigger alcohol producers are listed in Malaysia - yes, part of the reasons may be colonial in nature, but still you want to be producing close to your biggest clients in Asia.
As an afterthought, Malaysia could be up there owing to possible smuggling activity, esp to places where the sin taxes are particularly high, because its seriously ridiculous when half the population do not drink.
I still remember, in the 70s, the CEO of Hennessy (or is it Remy Martin), never having set foot in Asia, choosing to visit Malaysia because he wanted to see why this place called Malaysia consumes so much of their brandy. He naturally walked into one of the many wedding dinners and was vomitting blood at how most Malaysians were drinking his brandy. Adding lots of water and ice, and gulping down in one go amidst shouting like mad crows "yammmmm...sennnggg" was very traumatic for him.
But hey, business is business, if I was producing the best vodka and you choose to down it with chocolate syrup, I may not agree with you but I am going to take your money anyway while shaking my head.
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