QL Resources, in at 3.34, now at 3.46... wait for bonus.
Closed at 3.89, 16% gain, not enough, this one is safe enough to hold for its bonus. (Now at 4.13, up 23.6%, pretty smart but will wait for bonus still).
Sep 7: Kurnia Asia 0.58, went to 0.76 (+31%), now at 0.70, took half profit, let the rest ride, stop-loss (gain) at 0.64. Up stop-loss gain to 0.69. (All out at 0.70 following news of the resignation of the CEO).
Sep 29: TAE, in 1.45, hold for TA Global exercise. Still comfortable with this, thinks that TA Global will fly and so too will TAE. (This one cost me dearly, dropped my specs, lost almost 25%, cut).
Oct 7: Evergreen, in 1.01. Went above 1.50 strongly, 40-50% gain in 2 months, what more you want. (Out for now even though I think this is good to 1.80 but risk-reward not that good and had to reduce stocks).
Oct 20: Success Transformers.
In at 1.18. Took 1/3 profit at 1.30. Will hold for Seremban Engineering IPO. Since then went to 1.36, closed at 1.26. Hold.
Oct 26: Notion VTec. In at 0.505, 5 into one exercise. This one I will hold for the placement announcement and mid term. (Closed above 3.40, tempted to take profit but still looks good, hold).
Nov 6: Salcon. In at 0.565, sold 1/3 at 0.605. Holding well, will keep the rest for my 30%.(All out at 0.74, got my 30%).
Nov 13: Inch Kenneth. In at 0.445. Volatile, sold 1/3 at 0.52. Closed at 0.475. Recent posting, will hold. (All out at 0.585, got my 30%).
Nov 17: Supportive. In at 1.03. Also volatile, sold 1/3 at 1.14. (All out at 1.36, got the 30%).
Nov 19: Yungkong. In at 0.455. Nothing happened for sometime. Out three weeks later at 0.46.
Nov 23: Kim Hin. In at 1.22. Nothing much happened for a few weeks. Out at 1.20 at a loss.
Dec 3: KGB. In at 0.61.Now at 0.74 or 21%. Will wait for the 30%.
Dec 8: Gadang. In at 0.98. Out at 1.28, got my 30%. Contented even though it went above 1.40 later on.
Dec17: KPJ. In at 5.65. Just got out when company came back from suspension. A bit complicated to calculate for now but gains of nearly 30%.
Dec 28: Unisem. In at 1.58. Sold 1/3 at 2.00. Sold the rest at 2.12. Should have held some back as the stock went above 2.50, but what can you do.
Jan 5: EPMB. In at 0.485. Sold 1/3 at 0.555. Holding the rest for 30%.
Jan 12: OFI. In at 1.68. Sold 1/3 at 1.84. Holding the rest. Will cut at 1.68 if it drops some more.
Jan 13: MY E.G. In at 0.485. Sold 1/3 at 0.525. Will hold the rest for 30%.
Jan 14: DXN. In at 0.68. Sold 1/3 at 0.735. Will hold the rest for 30%.
The above were views on stocks and sectors that I like, not an invitation to buy or sell. It serves as a blogging activity of my investing thoughts and ideas, this does not represent an investment advisory service as I charge no subscription or management fees (donations are welcomed though). The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument. The ideas expressed are solely the opinions of the author. Any action that you take as a result of information, analysis, or commentary on this site is ultimately your responsibility. Consult your investment adviser before making any investment decisions.
p/s photos: Aiswarya Rai
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