Now, I Can Say It!

The turkey has only a few bits hanging from the bones, we had some leftover mashed potatoes for a change (that never happens), and the pies have only a few slices remaining each.

So, here goes:


While you deck the halls and rock around your Christmas tree, remember to focus on The One who came so that you can celebrate in the first place.

Remember always, that he came as a baby, to a lowly birthplace and lived the life of a human being.  Remember that he never did wrong -- he was blameless, without sin -- and he laid down his life, 33 years into it, for YOU, for me, for everyone.

He gives that same gift every day and paid his life for it.  We can't repay a debt like that.  We can only give our lives and hearts to him, to change for the better in our marriages and families and friendships.

Merry Christmas.  Merry Christmas.  Merry Christmas.

Say it, mean it, and live it.

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