Urban-Asian Sensation Intenso Set to Release "Aashiq"
Following on from the No.1 Debut Smash hit "Thenu Thakia", Intenso is back with his second single "Aashiq". From the mellow fusion he created with the unmistakable Rishi Rich sound, the Manchester born artist returns in tandem with International Superstar Roach Killa for undoubtedly one of the hits of the summer.
Presented once again by the powerhouse record label Moviebox Records, Aashiq promises to be a timeless addition to this innovative & successful music label's catalogue of number one's. Fusing the melodic vocals of singing mixed with rap, Intenso compliments a beautifully orchestrated song, produced & composed by the Toronto born International artist Roach Killa. Reminiscent of the unique "Roach Killa" sound, Aashiq brings to the forefront Intenso's first blast at singing & unmistakably stamps his seal on the track giving a complete variation to his delivery style from the previous release.
Intenso explains:

The video for "Aashiq" was shot in Intenso's hometown of Manchester & has a very personal feel to it. A stark contrast to the previous single "Thenu Thakia", the sun, sand & sea have been replaced by a luxurious Penthouse CIty Apartment, with Intenso going back to his roots of his hometown, bringing out his versatility as an artist with this explosive 2nd single from his forthcoming album "De-Ja-Vu".
The Full Single & Video will be released Worldwide on 23rd of May 2013.
Pre-Order now on ITunes!
Want to know more!
Website: www.intensomusic.com
Facebook: intensoartist
Twitter: @IntensoOfficial
Twitter: @AsiansUK
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