Courage (link-up)

Courage. The Cowardly Lion in "The Wizard of Oz" wanted it. He discovered he already had it, he just hadn't used it!

I choose "courage" for my Word of 2013 because I don't use it when I should. I say that I trust God and I really do, but when I need to make a move, use my voice, change my world, courage seems to cower in the corner.

This year, I want to pluck up that courage and be the witness for God that He wants me to be. Every day. With everyone.  The people outside the lines we sometimes draw need the Truth. They need compassion, understanding, sympathy (if I don't have the experience for empathy), and love. I have to have courage to meet those needs. I need to just jump in headfirst and not rethink or second-guess. I need to take action. I need to live out loud.

I need to courageously share my experiences with others who struggle inside the familiar boxes I used to live inside.

I need to courageously step out into the world and speak to people every day, and use the opportunities God has put out there for me to begin those conversations that so many of us easily avoid ... not wanting to interfere.

By not interfering, by leaving courage wrapped up inside doubt and shyness, I miss my opportunity to do what God wants for all of us, and that is to gather His children to him, to know Jesus, to feel God's endless love and forgiveness and the fullness of his Spirit, to accept His invitation to be one of His for all eternity.

I have to have the courage to offer that invitation as often as the chances come.

Now that it's in "print", I know I have to do it.  I'd better get moving!

Out on a Limb
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Out on a Limb" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Out on a Limb" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

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