It's the Little Things That Count

Love takes action.

Love moves, supports, understands, tries, helps, considers, whispers, touches, praises, lifts, surprises, celebrates, carries, guides, prepares, follows, leads, thinks, engages, protects, ministers, prays, delights, speaks, listens, hugs, kisses, builds, maintains, and nurtures.

Love does.

Love consists of many small deeds over a short time or over a lifetime. No one can qualify, quantify or nullify what love is between a man and a woman. Each couple creates its own palette of color with special mixtures and accents that make it unique.

Love is little things.

I cannot count all the little things of love.  They weave into the fabric of my marriage and make it stronger.  I can feel that.

The little things sometimes get lost in the "big things" of life, but they keep the big things from overwhelming me.  I can feel that, too.

The little things keep the big things in perspective and give me strength just because of their smallness.  Whisper-like and sized to fit, loving actions fill in all the little holes and cracks that life makes as it presses on us.  Love heals the scars life will leave on us.

When I put all the little things together, I have something larger and more intricate than words can describe.  Each little thing feels like a breath of air going into a balloon that grows endlessly with every added puff.  Love, when added to consistently and constantly will not break, but will grow in size and strength.

I have a job -- to do these little things every day, as often as I can.  I must choose to never stop doing them, for love fades without attending to those small things.

I refuse to reduce love ... even by one tiny little thing.

I want to always have the ability to say, with confidence, "I have no words to describe it."

That says it all.

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.  
1 John 3:18

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